

Harrington Properties, LLC offers consulting services for buyers and sellers!

Preparing our clients for the opportunities, as well as the challenges, requires market insight and accuracy.

At Harrington Properties, LLC, our experienced team of consultants thrives on helping our clients make great investment decisions. We know that when we get it right, you succeed—and will return to us for your next assignment.

Our objective is to make our clients more successful! We work with many types of investors, from the new, green investor to the seasoned investor, builders, developers, private equity, institutional investors, financial and professional service firms. 

Consulting Services

As investors, we understand that real estate investors demand a high level of scrutiny when assessing potential investments, and a consultant that understands their goals and best interests. Our team includes seasoned experts who are focused on the unique needs and goals of our  clients. 

Harrington Properties,  offers services designed to help both owners and investors minimize risk and maximize returns by:

Identifying potential deal-killing problems with an asset;

Providing information that  can utilize to negotiate the sale/purchase price;

Evaluate acquisition cost and financing options as well as assist in obtaining financing, bridge loans, and investment partners;

Assisting with planning for building maintenance and capital expenses;

Helping owners comply with regulations and protect human health and safety;

Recognizing opportunities to make a return on investment; 

Increasing an asset's efficiency, sustainability, profitability and marketability.

Hold and exit strategies.

Strategies & Plans

Every real estate transaction is unique. That’s why we customize every one of our plans to fit your needs exactly. Whether it’s a single family home flip, commercial / multi-family acquisition,  we’ll sit down with you, listen to your requests, and prepare a customized plan tailored to meet your needs and objectives. 
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